10 Ways to Get Your Company Message to Your Customers

Crafting a great company message that resonates with your target market is essential. For it to have any effect, though, you need to get that message to your customers. Here are ten ways you can deliver your company message to your customers:


Depending on your business, delivering your message face-to-face might be feasible. In-person presentations can be a great way to connect with prospects and customers, allowing you to build rapport and establish a power relationship based on trust. One advantage of face-to-face delivery is that you have their full attention. It also allows you to more easily understand and combat any obstacles standing in the way of them responding to your message as you would like.

By Phone

If face-to-face meetings or presentations are not an option, the next best thing is calling up customers. You can tell them about special offers, or any new products or services you are offering. It’s the perfect way to deliver your message while strengthening the relationship. Calling people is also a great way to reach out to prospects. It’s often a better option than email, especially when you are trying to get your message to someone who doesn’t know you. By phone, you are better able to build the trust needed for a powerful, long-term relationship. It’s one thing talking to a person; it’s a completely different thing when a prospect receives an impersonal email. One gets you remembered; the other one ends up in the trash.

Snail Mail

Snail mail might not be as popular as it once was, thanks to the internet, but it’s still a great way to connect with customers. Remember, it’s only junk mail to people who don’t care. If someone loves make-up and perfumes, for example, they’re going to love receiving a catalog in the mail. Add a few samples, and you’ve got a really, really happy prospect or customer. You could also include a few die-cut stickers, which will please people. So much so that they’ll end up looking forward to receiving mail from you.


From billboards and roller banners to decals and posters, signs are everywhere you look. They’re an excellent way to deliver your company message to your prospects and customers. The best part is that you can get creative with placement to increase their effectiveness. For example, you can put up store-front and in-store signs to draw customers into your shop. Or, you can put up roller banners advertising your gym next to health food stores.


Ads in magazines, newspapers, trade journals and other publications are still a great way to deliver your company message. You can take out small display ads or go for a full page, whatever your budget will allow for. Just make sure you choose the publications that are relevant to the market you are targeting. You wouldn’t advertise the latest drill in Cosmo, just as you wouldn’t advertise the latest weight loss pills in Fine Homebuilding. Regardless of size, make sure that your ad has a good offer and a strong call to action. Make it as easy as possible for your prospects to connect with you.

TV Commercials

TV commercials aren’t cheap, and they’re not quite as effective as they used to be. Mainly because of the oversaturation. However, they still work, and for some businesses, they are the perfect vehicle to connect with their audience. Commercials are a good option for products or services that have a massive target market. Like soft drinks, cars, and even make-up. If you have the budget, it’s worth looking into TV. Before you start throwing your entire marketing budget at the most “innovative” TV commercial possible, you might want to test first to make sure it is the best option for you. Your commercial has to be entertaining to compete with others. However, make sure the agency you hire doesn’t make it so smart and clever people have no clue what you’re trying to sell.


Like TV, radio isn’t necessarily cheap. Okay, the cost is nowhere near that of TV, but it still costs money to get the spot produced and then aired. However, it’s a great way to increase brand awareness, especially for established businesses. It’s also a pretty good option for small businesses serving a limited area, especially if you focus on local radio stations.


A flyer needs to include a message that shows your prospects the benefits they will gain from using your products and services. The offer also has to be good, and you need to include a call to action. Once again, make it easy for prospects and customers to get in touch. You can hand out flyers, post them on bulletin boards in high-traffic areas, put them up in shop windows, display them at the checkout counter, and more.


Your website is one of the most powerful ways in which you can deliver your message to your customers. In fact, most of the methods above will probably lead customers right to your website. That means you need to have an amazing site that delivers and expands upon your message effectively. Your website can help you build a list of prospects that you can eventually turn into customers by establishing a rapport and a strong relationship.

Social Media

Another great way to deliver your message is through social media. Go to where your prospects and customers hang out and interact with them. Whatever you do, don’t spam sales messages or you’ll end up alienating people. It’s called social media for a reason. So, be social, establish a rapport, build trust, and eventually, people will want to do business with you. You can choose from quite a few platforms, but at the very least, go with Facebook and Twitter. You can then expand to Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Remember, a great message is useless if your customers don’t see it. However, keep in mind that you need to tailor your message according to the delivery message of choice. The message on a roller banner, for example, should be succinct, whereas a website allows you to go more in-depth. Just remember that they all need a call to action to be effective.