Custom Bumper Stickers

People buy bumper stickers for many reasons. Besides political campaigns, advertisers use custom bumper stickers to promote things such as business events, parks, motels, hotels and popular tourist attractions. Car owners often buy bumper stickers as a memento of a memorable trip they took for a holiday. Others use bumper stickers to make a political statement or often to have fun with a funny or provocative statement.

Philosophy Of Bumper Stickers

Some people see bumper stickers as an invitation to interact with the outside world. In his book If You Can Read This: The Philosophy of Bumper Stickers author Jack Bowen said that bumper stickers all contain an unspoken if-then clause: If you can read this, then Imagine...” Bowen thinks this unspoken clause is what invites the reader to react to the statement or the idea promoted by the sticker. custom bumper stickers bus

Custom Bumper Stickers

Modern day bumper stickers are much easier to apply and remove than they once were. What’s more, current production methods make it possible to order custom bumper stickers in small quantities – you don’t need to order 1,000 or more to keep the price down. You can save a lot of money by ordering directly online from a manufacturer like Stickerbeat than you would by ordering through a reseller or middleman.

Most Popular Bumper Stickers

Here are some of the more popular bumper stickers we’ve seen over the years:

I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one

I’m having an out-of-money experience

Make America Great Again

Not My President

Watch out for the idiot behind me

Don’t laugh it’s paid for and in front of you

Famous last words of a redneck: Hold my beer and watch this

Horn broke, watch for finger

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you

To err is human. To blame it on somebody else shows management potential

Wanted: Meaningful overnight relationship

Don't make me mad. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies

It's lonely at the top, but you eat better

I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it

The good thing about science is that it’s true whether you believe in it or not

custom bumper stickers dog

Conclusion: Custom Bumper Stickers

Custom bumper stickers are affordable and easy to order. Simply upload your artwork and we'll create a custom bumper sticker with an adhesive that makes it easy to remove and doesn’t leave an unsightly residue. You can order custom bumper stickers for your business, to show your support for a candidate or political issue, or to share your sense of humor. Our online approval process ensures you get the exact look and color you want.