How To Be A Better Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to boost their performance and maximize personal output. Suggestions such as better time management, delegating tasks and improving physical fitness, are useful for getting better results now. However, your strategy on how to be a better entrepreneur should also include long-term tactics.
You Don’t Need To Be An Expert
As an entrepreneur, you don’t need to be a bona fide expert at something in order to use the knowledge to your advantage. In fact, you can make tremendous gains in any area or discipline if you work at it regularly for an extended period.
How To Be A Better Entrepreneur
Business philosopher Jim Rhone advocated, what we become in life is more important than what we get out of it. Focusing on what we are becoming leads us to be more creative and more inspired. As a result, getting more comes naturally. Which new skill would make you better at what you do? Are there any holes in your professional background that need to be filled to make you more competitive? Take the time to do a personal SWOT analysis and start working on improving yourself in the area that needs it most. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)Embrace The 5-Hour Rule
The 5-hour rule is the practice of putting aside one hour each day, or at least five hours each week, to practice something that will help you grow. You must use the time for deliberate daily practice of something that will ensure your personal improvement. Where do you find the time? Take your daily to-do list and pull out those items that belong in a 20-80 list based on the Pareto principle. Try to delegate the rest.